If you’ve been looking for the one skincare product that changes your life, let me tell you about facial oil. I know it might sound intimidating at first, but trust me, it will work miracles on your skin. So what is the best facial oil?
As a face oil junkie, I’ve tried quite a few different ones. If you’re not sure how or why to use face oil, read this post. If you have oily skin, it helps decrease the oil production in your skin. If you have dry skin, it helps moisturize. It’s truly something that every person should be using! I can’t tell you how many messages I get on a weekly basis with people telling me how much it’s transformed their skin! If you invest in one skincare product ever, it needs to be facial oil.
Before I dive in, I often get comments on how expensive face oils are. I know. But one, they’re worth it. Two, they last forever. If you’re just starting out, these bottles should last you 6 months. How many other beauty products that you use every night can you say that about? So how do the face oils measure up? See my ranking below.
1. Beautycounter Facial Oil ($69).
Beautycounter makes the best facial oils out there. They smell amazing, they target various things (in addition to hydrating skin), and are reasonably priced. My favorite is the No. 1 Brightening Facial Oil which also happens to help reduce dark spots. It smells like citrus so I like to use it in the morning to wake me up. I like to mix in the No. 3 Balancing Facial Oil at night. It smells like ylang ylang so if you like more floral scents, opt for the No. 3. I find it to be very calming right before bed! If you have super oily or super dry skin, I’d also recommend the No. 3. If your skin is pretty much normal or you don’t suffer from any extreme condition, just pick based on scent. Go with No. 1 if you like citrus and No. 3 if you like florals.
The thing to note about the Beautycounter Face Oils is that they work in multiple ways which is another reason they are at the top of my list. They not only do all the things other face oils do but are targeted toward specific skin issues (like brightening or balancing)! I always love it when my products are 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 products and work multiple ways for me! That way I don’t have to use as many products!
2. Cocokind Chia Facial Oil ($15).
This Cocokind Chia Facial Oil is a budget friendly way to try face oil. It’s a good moisturize at a really good price. It’s not quite as thick as the Beautycounter Face Oil and is purely for hydration (versus also brightening) but if your funds are limited, this is the face oil for you! You can get it multiple places including Thrive Market which offers discounted health foods (think like Whole Foods but permanently on sale).
3. RMS Beauty Oil ($78).
Second to the Beautycounter, RMS Beauty is probably one of the safest beauty brands out there. I love their products which I’ve shared here so I was really excited for this facial oil. It smells sweet, almost like vanilla or dessert, and hydrates decently but it’s not as moisturizing as the Beautycounter one! You do get a little more liquid for the price but I find I have to use more of it to achieve the same effects. It also doesn’t keep my skin hydrated overnight like the Beautycounter one!
4. Josie Maran 100% Pure Argan Oil ($48).
I tend to really like Josie Maran products for their simplicity. If you missed last week’s post on the best summer beauty products, you may see a few Josie Maran products in there! While the products aren’t the absolute best performing, they’re a really good alternative and generally at a more affordable price. If you’re on a budget and care about toxic free products, I think they’re a great option to make your money go a little further and I regularly switch them into my routine including this facial oil.
5. Kopari Coconut Sheer Oil ($44).
I’ve been dabbling with Kopari lately as I mentioned last week (I have been using their travel kit)! I like their use of coconut, simple packaging, and they tend to be a cleaner brand. I really love their coconut melt for your body! I tried this sheer oil in a sample size and feel like it was perfect for that. It’s a good moisturizer but not as thick in consistency as some of the other face oils. I love that it’s affordable though as far as face oils go (face oils are usually pricey)!
6. Drunk Elephant Virgin Marula Luxury Facial Oil ($72).
This product got Sephora’s clean seal as does the RMS Beauty oil. It performs similar to the RMS Beauty Oil but the scent is a little stronger and more like essential oils. I’ve been trying really hard to love Drunk Elephant products but I feel like they are a little overpriced for average products! I feel you can just get something a little better! Read this post on best eye creams for how their eye creams performed!
7. Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil ($105).
While the hydrating properties of this face oil were good, the smell was a little too strong for me! I ultimately had to stop using this because it was just overpowering! It also wasn’t delivering as well as the Beautycounter Face Oil so I had no problem not repurchasing since it is on the more expensive end!
Do you use a facial oil? If not you need to be! Do you have a favorite face oil that I need to try? I have a few drops left in my Beautycounter one and have a few new brands to try so I can add them to this list!
Have you tried any oils by kiehls?
I haven’t – a lot of their products have toxic chemicals so I usually try to steer clear but some are good! Have you tried them? Do I need to??
I have been using the Paula’s Choice face oil. It is very moisturizing and non sensitizing since it doesn’t have any EOs which could potentially cause irritation. Have you tried it yet?
I haven’t yet! I know they are a safer brand but they also stir up a lot of drama in the safe beauty community so have been hesitant to support :)
asdasd asdzxczxczxc
nice post
looking good
Do you have a recommendation for Rosehip oil? Looking for something safe to help with acne scars.