I’ve been searching for the perfect blush bag forever. A lover of the chic and girly nature of Chloe bags, I was delighted when I discovered this Elsie shoulder bag on Bag Borrow or Steal. Offering the option to borrow designer bags, it’s the perfect way to try out some of your favorite brands without the big price tag. If you happen to fall in love, there’s always the option to buy. Or, if you’re looking to make a little extra cash, you can sell your own pieces through their site. Bag Borrow or Steal is the ultimate one stop shop for designer handbags.
This blush Elsie was the perfect piece to pair with this black drop waist dress. I love the way the black looks with blush. The flare of the skirt is ultra girly and I love the way it swings. And as with every little black dress, this one is super easy to wear during the day or at night.
Catwalk 88 black dress (similar) | Michael Antonio blush sandals | Chloe blush bag via Bag Borrow or Steal | Catwalk 88 bracelet | Zac Posen sunglasses | Kendra Scott ear cuffs
*This post is sponsored by Catwalk 88 and Bag Borrow or Steal but all thoughts are my own.
Woah coolest bag ever! Its awesome that you can test run the style before buying, since designer bags are such an investment!
An Unblurred Lady
I never thought of pairing black with a blush color. Love it.
That bag is so gorgeous! I love the details <3
Glitter Boots & Champagne Flutes
That really is a gorgeous bag…and that’s probably why this is such a great concept. I mean, who’d want to part with that?!
The black dress is fun too, especially with the drop waist!
Something About That
That is one amazing bag. Can’t take my eyes off of it. Love that dress as well!
great lbd and love that bag :)
kisses from dubai ♥
Nice post